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An Astrology Ritual to Jupiter by Ajarn Apichai - October 3rd

The astrology is really piling up and Ajarn Apichai is expecting major events to occur while Jupiter is retrograde, which starts on October 3rd. Unusually, this retrograde period lasts much longer than is usual, only ending in Febuary 2025!

This retrograde period will hit everyone's luck and fortune, and there is a good chance of an economic event during this time when looking at the other planets. The one thing that has helped me since my last birthday is that Jupiter is good for me this year, and it has provided 'escape routes' when a few severe problems hit. Without that it would have been really bad.

This is a ritual for the astrology of Jupiter being retrograde and will be held at around sunset of the day it goes retrograde.

The candle magic of the Jupiter ritual works in two ways. For people who have a good Jupiter or it works in a normal way for them to bring more luck and fortune. With the current Jupiter retrograding from October 3rd, it is like Jupiter is weak and it brings a lower or negative effect. Ajarn has used a Wicha in the candle called ‘the Buddha carrying the mother across the river’ as it is a candle to help those who take part get over obstacles or difficulties. It helps to find a way through problems and supports the person by lifting the strength of Jupiter to lessen any negative effect and find a way through.

What's the difference between the Rahu ritual and this Jupiter ritual? If there is chaos in your life, it is Rahu. In this case, if there is a drop in luck and fortune, it is Jupiter.

As always, photos of each spell and of the ritual itself will be sent to each person taking part. Pay through this page and I will request a photo, name and birthday by email to pass on to Ajarn for him to begin work.

Ajarn Apichai is great at astrology and the timing of these rituals, which he does infrequently, and only when necessary.

Please also note that the site automatically charges postage as part of the price. A sales tax of 7% also now applies for all payments through Paypal Thailand.

An Astrology Ritual to Jupiter by Ajarn Apichai - October 3rd

  • There is a massive amount of candle magic in the Lanna system, which is respected throughout Thailand as being the most efficient. Ajarn Tui's abilities with candle magic is renowned and the potency of his work second to none.

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