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The Lanna Takrut Phra Jao Khau Puak by Ajarn Tui - Ancient Invincibility Magic
I adore the items periodically produced by Ajarn Tui using ancient Wicha.

This is an ancient Lanna construction that uses the skin of a breah birth calf that died while half out of its mother. There are two uses for this product, the first was for Gaa Sathorn and this is for invincibility magic (Kong Grapan) and in this case, the calf half out of the mother represents the gun that cannot fire. It is one of the old ways of testing Kong Grapan magic, where a gun will be fired at the amulet and the amulet should make it misfire. I have watched Ajarn Apichai do this in the past and must film it for you to see.

This skin was first cut into squares and a Yant was added. The Yant  for Phra Jao Khau Puak was then put onto a copper sheet and strongly blessed before rolling it with the skin. It was then covered in an earth and cement mix to seal the items within. There was also script written on the gold leaf that covers the front of this to protect the magic inside, and then another strong blessing finished the process.
This is a Wicha to bring the avoidance of danger and invincibility magic to the bearer, which we will need this decade. It is also an important amulet because the Wicha was ceated in troubled times, so it matches our future. The problem with a lot of the older forms of magic in Thailand is that the present time is almost unrecognisable, and the magic they can offer no longer applies in the same way.

Unusual and ancient magic that goes on the lowest level of the deity altar.

These measure 2.9" and come with Ajarn Tui's card and kata.

I am sure this will be a popular piece, and the last items that can be made from the calf skin.

Please copy the listing as it gets removed after selling out.

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The Lanna Takrut Phra Jao Khau Puak by Ajarn Tui - Ancient Invincibility Magic

  • Takruts from the great makers have exceptional power. They hold the spell for activating an amulet and are underestimated by people who don't understand them. It is my intention to search out a range of very unusual Takruts for specific magic that we all need.

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